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ACIM Workbook Musings, continued

the Director of The Christ Community Center (more info here). I began to read and explore A Course in Miracles around 2005. My “introduction” to what the Course was about came by way of reading Gary Renard’s book, The Disappearance of the Universe, loaned to me by a good friend and co-worker. She and I decided to attend a study group at Unity in the Gold Country. After a few weeks, she stopped attending because she was too busy in the evenings, but for some reason, I kept going. On my first night with the group, I remember thinking (and maybe even saying aloud), “So, it seems that I suffer from Multiple Personality Disorder!” (meaning that I see myself as “separate” from everybody and every thing…and that this “separation” of self has led to my “dis-ease”). The language of the book was cumbersome, and was in “Christian” terms – with which I was uncomfortable. Yet, I could sense that there was “something else” happening – something I couldn’t really put my finger on…something which encouraged me to return week after week. As the weeks and months went on, I became more comfy with the language, and I just enjoyed the experience of the group – how we shared our attempts to apply the teachings of the text to our daily lives, and so forth. And this is how my relationship with the Living Christ (Whom I also know as, “The Guru Shakti” – a term from my practice of Siddha Yoga) began.

To download the .pdf document containing my email musings, click here.

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